Home / Car Stuff / Funskool brings in Hornby and Scalextric


Funskool Hornby Scalextric web

Fast cars will always excite us, big or small, and that goes for the car and us as well. Funskool has introduced Hornby and Scalextric in India. For enthusiasts of either trains or cars, these toys have been created with fine craftsmanship and attention to detail; bringing alive the fun and essence of scale models and the environment to run them in. You know when toys are marked ‘Ages 3 and up’? Whether you’re 5, 25 or 55 years old, it means you!

Hornby makes among the best and highly detailed railway models, including solo locomotives, coaches, track packs, tunnels, bridges, piers as well as other buildings and accessories to recreate a train route right in the middle of your living room, or wherever you choose to set it up. Historic names like the Flying Scotsman Set, GWR Passenger Freight, Caledonian Belle, Pullman and LNERs are resurrected. The ‘eLink’ digital units, which these train sets can be accompanied with, gives control and access to almost 10,000 locomotives and over 2,000 electric accessories when connected to a PC or laptop with their ‘RailMaster’ software.

Scalextric, on the other hand, is all about the cars. Slot-racing kits and accessories will soon be available at major toy stores near you. With super-resistant race car models, the high-performance racing fun quotient is turned up big time. There is a choice of powered tracks, which can also be customised or personalised as you see fit. This provides seemingly endless combinations of fun.

The Scalextric range begins from Rs 4,999 for ‘My First Scalextric’ with accessories starting from Rs 149. Hornby train sets start from Rs 7,999 with accessories available from Rs 1,499.


About the author: Jim Gorde


Deputy Editor at Car India and Bike India.
Believes that learning never stops, and that diesel plug-in hybrids are the only feasible immediate future until hydrogen FCEVs take over.

t: @CarIndia/@BikeIndia
IG: @carindia_mag/@bikeindia/@jimbosez


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