Home / Features / Thinking Out of Boxberg: Bosch International Press Briefing 2015


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The 62nd International Bosch Press Briefing held in Boxberg, Germany, had a three-way focus with a common factor — electronics. With electrification, automation and connectivity being stars of the show, there were a plethora of vehicles equipped with cutting-edge new technologies to sample, and Car India was invited to do just that. Here’s an overview of what made eyes grow wide and pulses race.

Story: Jim Gorde
Photography: Jim Gorde and Bosch


Bosch have always been associated with innovation and pushing the boundaries of technology. With an average of 15 patents filed per working day, that’s surely saying something. While they are widely recognised for their mechanical innovations, even becoming synonymous with some products — the diesel fuel pump is often referred to as a ‘Bosch pump’ — they develop everything from home and personal electronics to advanced vehicle systems.

With the world looking at energy conservation and reduction in emissions, it was no surprise that the focus of the press briefing this time was sustainable mobility, with particular emphasis on electrification and automation of more processes to reduce the human role and improve efficiency. Connectivity and the internet of things was also in the spotlight. More efficient, better connected and cleaner cars are a priority because, at present, Europe has 500 cars per 1,000 inhabitants, that’s 50 per cent car ownership, whereas China, in comparison, has just 50 cars per 1,000 inhabitants, or five per cent car ownership.

The 62nd International Bosch Press Briefing was thus a look into the immediate future where the combustion engine is still the hero and the support systems are turned into a more improved and involved supporting cast. Sustainable mobility is a very real need and the path Bosch see apt to achieve it over the coming years is for cars to be electrified, automated and connected. Ecological globalisation together with driving enjoyment are the driving force.

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The situation at present has seen immense growth for Bosch. The year 2014 saw over €33 billion in sales and Bosch look set for further expansion. The aim? By 2020, battery costs have to be halved, electric powertrains must be in 15 per cent of the new cars sold. The order of the day, however, is an entry-level hybrid for middle-class buyers. “The best days for internal combustion engines are ahead of us,” said Dr Rolf Bulander, who added that there would be a marriage of electronics and mechanics, and that there was more to come from them — smarter engine management and optimisation of the existing powertrain. Hybrid cars can be as much fun as they are efficient, and we found that out in the best way possible.

Page 2: Electrification >


About the author: Jim Gorde


Deputy Editor at Car India and Bike India.
Believes that learning never stops, and that diesel plug-in hybrids are the only feasible immediate future until hydrogen FCEVs take over.

t: @CarIndia/@BikeIndia
IG: @carindia_mag/@bikeindia/@jimbosez


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