Home / Features / Continental Automotive Radar Tech makes Autonomous Mobility Safer


Continental Automotive radar tech take another step towards safer and more autonomous mobility with a new generation of surround radar and long-range radar sensors.


Since the start of production around 20 years ago, Continental have produced more than 100 million radar sensors for short and long-range applications. The technical features of the sixth generation, which will go into production in 2023, include an improved detection range and a higher resolution for accurate detection of the vehicle’s surroundings. The new automotive radar sensor solutions enable anticipatory applications for Euro NCAP requirements through higher automated driving functions such as automated lane changes.

To better the handling of the increasing data streams — arising from electronic control units which are responsible for different functions such as electronic car-entry system, infotainment system and connectivity, cruise control, lane departure warning and speed assistants onboard a car — Continental were one of the first automotive suppliers to develop a compact high-performance computer; used in the Volkswagen ID.3 and ID.4 electric cars. In addition, there is specific software that handles communication within the vehicle units and with the company-managed cloud storage systems.

Continental radar

In the yesteryears, a car used to primarily be a comfortable means of transport. Today it depends on connectivity and human-machine dialogue above all. Continental have presented their end-to-end network solution for connected cars. These will oversee fast and low-latency connections of the sensor, the high-performance computer, the connectivity unit to the cloud and the outside world to enable real-time processing of all data related to the vehicle. More compact designs, higher scanning rates and 360-degree surround monitoring — with ranges of around 200 to 250 metres depending on the radar sensor — add up to much greater safety at both short and long ranges.

Modular radar

The development of the Continental Automotive Edge Platform (CAEdge), a modular hardware and software platform, will make it convenient for drivers to obtain the new functions at will through over-the-air (OTA) software updates throughout the entire service life of the vehicle. Thus, apart from automotive radar, Continental are strengthening their leading role in the development of the latest vehicle architecture and software.

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Story: Cherry Mathew Roy


About the author: Online Car India



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