Home / Home / Maruti Suzuki Production Units Hit 20 Million


Maruti Suzuki have hit 20 million production units. the second company to do so.

India is now the second country to hit the 20 million mark in production units by a car manufacturer. The manufacturer in question is none other than Maruti Suzuki.

The company’s parent company, Suzuki, was the first to reach the 20 million milestone for their production in Japan which took the manufacturer 45 years to attain. However, their Indian partner has achieved this in 34-odd years.

Maruti Suzuki started production in 1983 with their first model, the Maruti 800, under their prior name Maruti Udyog. The company caught on quick and has been the dominant force in the Indian car market.

Maruti hit the five-million mark in April 2005, the 10-million mark in March 2011 and the 20-million in June 2018. It’s easy to see the expansion of the company over the years, with more models and the increase in demand from the Indian consumers, as it took Maruti 17 years to produce the first 10-million and just seven years for the second 10-million units.

Maruti Suzuki have hit 20 million production units. the second company to do so.

Maruti Suzuki also produced cars for other markets the world over. In 2017, about 1.7 million units were produced in India, of which 1.6 million units were for the Indian market and the remaining for the rest of the world.

Production of the cars happen at the Gurgaon and Manesar plants of Maruti Suzuki and the Suzuki plant in Gujarat.

Story : Zal Cursetji


About the author: Online Car India



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