Home / News / Audi Sportscar Experience — Fast Audis’ Day Out


The perks of owning an Audi are many. The Audi line-up in India is as diverse as the country itself.

Audi Sportscar Experience At one end of the spectrum, there are the stepping stones to the Audi domain, such as the Q3 SUV, while at the other end awaits the formidable RS range and the e-tron cars. On a Sunday in November, a few customers got to experience Audi’s manic side, the one that gave the RS badge legendary status, and what better place to do that than at the Buddh International Circuit (BIC)?

Audi Sportscar Experience

With sessions on and off the track, customers were given a first-hand experience of just how much fun a fast Audi can be without being overly demanding. The fact that all these cars were driven to the circuit only reasserts their versatility in the real world.

Audi Sportscar Experience

The gems of the event were the e-tron electric SUV, the RS 5 Sportback, and the RS Q8 super SUV. Before experiencing the thrill of driving on a Formula 1 racetrack, some time was spent doing slaloms and the like on pre-set courses off the track. A great exercise for drivers to get a feel for the fast machines they were about to handle and also a nice opportunity for them to marvel at the agility of Audi’s sports cars.

Audi Sportscar Experience

That done, the BIC came alive to the sound of screaming 2.9-litre V6 engines that propelled the RS 5s to speeds well beyond the limits they have to adhere to on public roads. To say it was an eye-opening experience for those who thought of Audi as a pure luxury brand would be an understatement. The reactions of the people who stepped out of the cars after the fast laps strongly suggested otherwise.

Audi Sportscar Experience

Audi did them one better by matching that experience with another track session, this time behind the wheel of the RS Q8. Some say that Sundays are meant for the soul, to relax and replenish for the week ahead. I think it is safe to say that the customers who attended the event went home properly spent yet revitalised as never before.

Audi Sportscar Experience

If you are an Audi customer and are desirous of taking part in such events, get in touch with your nearest dealership. Who knows, you may just like it so much that you will end up moving closer to the track.


About the author: Joshua Varghese


Would gape at fast cars. Still does but now has a chance to drive some of them. Hates driving in traffic but makes up for with a spot of off-roading or the occasional track outing. Insta: @motoknight


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