Home / Home / Toyota Glanza to Puducherry: Glanza Goes Coastal


From there it was a short stint to Puducherry and, of course, when you cross serene, untouched beaches that are right alongside the highway, you need to pull in and get a closer look. The Glanza may not be a serious off-roader but it was impressive when I took it on the loose sand. After breathing in the clean salt-tinged air and enjoying a bracing sea breeze, it was time to get going again. By the time we reached our destination, night had fallen so we checked into a hotel and got some rest.

The following morning, we were up early to Go Hatchin’ around Pondy, and of course, my first destination of choice was a beach. Paradise Beach is a few kilometres outside the heart of the town and not as frequented by tourists, making it a perfect place to check out. Driving up to the beach on a narrow, elevated pathway with water lapping up to either side was a mesmerising experience. The fishermen were out for their morning catch, the overcast sky meant the weather was pleasant and there was hardly anybody around! After a relaxing stroll along the coast, it was back into town to do a little more sightseeing.

My favourite spot in Pondy has to be the Promenade. There’s a fantastic tribute to Mahatma Gandhi there. A four-metre tall statue stands on a plinth under a beautifully crafted pavilion. Eight granite pillars brought in from the nearby Gingee Fort surround the statue to add that extra touch of aesthetic appeal. You can drive right up to it although the Promenade is open to traffic for only a limited period during the day, so time your visit well. Other interesting sights on the Promenade include the Dupleix Park, the French War Memorial, and the old lighthouse, all of which are worth a visit.



About the author: Harket Suchde



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