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The John Lennon Rolls Royce Phanton V
Hey Jude, Rolls-Royce have announced that they will celebrate the 50th anniversary year of the legendary Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in a unique way.

They have decided to bring John Lenon’s very own Yellow Submarine, his colorful Rolls-Royce Phantom V back home to London for the British to see.

Currently owned by the Royal British Columbia Museum in Canada, The John Lenon Phantom V is set to join ‘The Great Eight Phantoms’ at a Rolls-Royce Exhibition at Bonhams on New Bond Street, an area visited by Lenon frequently in the 1960’s. It is out on display for the general public from 29 July to 2 August.
The John Lennon Rolls Royce Phanton V
Without much further ado, lets come together and dive right into the car. For starters Lenon wanted a car that would help him achieve his eccentric millionaire look and his Valentine Black Phantom did just that.
Lenon had his Phantom V completely customized. The rear seat was transformed into a double bed. A television, telephone and refrigerator were installed, along with a ‘floating’ record player and a custom sound system. In April 1967, the Phantom received a brand new paint job which was unveiled days before the worldwide release of Sgt. Pepper’s on 1 June and it appeared part of the overall concept of the album.

The new color scheme was vibrant and often described as ‘psychedelic’. The Phantom had a floral Romany scroll design, as used on gypsy caravans and canal barges, with a zodiac symbol on the roof. While the dominant yellow, reflected the cover of the album.

The Rolls-Royce exhibition is surely going to be a treat for The Beatles and car lovers. Be sure to be there!

Story : Aahil Akkalkotkar


About the author: Online Car India



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