Home / Home / Tata Motors receives “Indian Multinational of the Year” award



Tata Motors has been awarded the prestigious title of the “Indian Multinational of the Year” at the AIMA Managing India Awards 2013, held on April 11, 2013 in New Delhi.

Karl Slym, Managing Director, Tata Motors, received the award from Pranab Mukherjee, President of India, on behalf of the company.

On the occasion, Mr Slym expressed his gratitude at receiving the award on behalf of Tata Motors and to be conferred with this prestigious award as recognition of efforts towards taking India global. He believed that the company’s unique strengths and advantages stemmed from successful operatiosn in the Indian environment and from the entrepreneurial culture of local employees.

The “Managing India” awards were established by AIMA to promote management teams in every sphere of life across multiple fields representing advanced development in an economy. The award recognises the contributions of stalwarts setting high standards of excellence in their respective domains. The jury comprised eminent personalities led by the chair Mr Sanjiv Goenka, Past President, AIMA and Chairman, RP of the Sanjiv Goenka Group.


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