Tata Hexa Launched at Rs 11.99 lakh
The much-awaited Hexa from Tata Motors is finally here at a tempting price tag
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The much-awaited Hexa from Tata Motors is finally here at a tempting price tag
Maruti Suzuki have let loose the Ignis, their latest offering in the premium Nexa stable.
Tata Motors field their latest, safest and greatest challenger in the seven-seater arena long dominated by one big name. Will the Hexa help them carve a larger piece of the pie?
Exotic hypercar maker Pagani Automobili have introduced a ‘Tempesta’ package for their second major model, the Huayra.
After seemingly forever, Mercedes-Benz introduce a four-wheel-drive diesel GLA and with the more powerful 220 d engine too. In one fell swoop, have they righted everything that was wrong?
Honda bring back the Accord, but it’s all-new and it’s a hybrid this time round. Does it live up to our invariably high expectations?