Home / News / ‘Part-Time Scientists’ and Audi are Ready for the Moon


Part-Time scientists und Audi lunar quattro ready to head for the moon

‘Audi lunar quattro’ moon rover has completed the development phase and is ready to be launched.

Audi’s ambitious project, the lunar rover has borne fruit and is now ready to move into the next phase. The rover has lost eight kilograms while gaining Audi e-tron power. After extensive tests and research the German manufacturer has announced that they are ready to take on the challenging lunar surface. In addition to this, the German engineering team, ‘Part-Time Scientists’ announced that they intend to complete the 385,000 km trip to the moon from the later part of 2017. They have booked a launcher with Spaceflight Inc.

What began as a partnership for the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition in early 2015 saw both groups actively contribute their respective skills and expertise to the projects at hand.

“We are proud that we have given the moon rover important aspects of the four rings’ DNA: It is a quattro, has an e-tron battery on board, drives in piloted mode and offers an intelligent mix of materials,” remarked Michael Schöffmann, Head of Audi Transmission Development and Development Coordinator of the Audi lunar quattro.

The Audi experts have spent the past few months improving the all-wheel drive and optimising the electronics of the rover. The use of new materials and aluminium 3D printing saw the rover shed a cool eight kilogrammes.


About the author: Joshua Varghese


Would gape at fast cars. Still does but now has a chance to drive some of them. Hates driving in traffic but makes up for with a spot of off-roading or the occasional track outing. Insta: @motoknight


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