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When was the last time you experienced something for the first time? With inspired design, Kia Motors has stoked the fire of innovation and pushed the boundaries of possibility to usher in the future today. The new name in India is set to become a force to be reckoned with. Are you ready for more? Kia Design

Kia Motors Design

Story: Jim Gorde
Images: Kia Motors
Kia Design


Where the drawing board meets cutting edge

Kia Motors Design

Design and style always go hand in hand. A clear vision with the perseverance and commitment to see it through is the only true path to success. When you have a goal, it’s not always about tunnel vision. It’s about accepting that there will be a detour the world will throw at you at some point. There isn’t always a plan. Plans change, but a vision is consistent. You only need to know where you want to be. How you get there is decided after you take that all important first step.

Kia Motors has gone from strength to strength. It’s dived heart and head into every segment and now has international winners so good, they take on the best in the world and come out fighting, if not on top. Today is a new day. A new day brings new opportunity and, with it, Kia has moved from the drawing board to creation and from the studio to the real world. Its new cars stand tall and shine through the rest. After all, it’s been busy. It knows where it was and where it stands now. It took a stand against mediocrity and the results speak for themselves. After all, any work worth doing is worth doing well.

More on page 2 >


About the author: Jim Gorde


Deputy Editor at Car India and Bike India.
Believes that learning never stops, and that diesel plug-in hybrids are the only feasible immediate future until hydrogen FCEVs take over.

t: @CarIndia/@BikeIndia
IG: @carindia_mag/@bikeindia/@jimbosez


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