63-year-old Chacko completespan-India drive in a Tata Nano
WHEN PASSION TAKESthe front seat, other factors like age have necessarily to be relegated to the back seat.
A fi ne example near at hand is that of 63-year-old Thomas Chacko, who recently struck off a long-cherished wish from his list: to travel across the country in a Tata Nano.
Chacko started his 78-day national expedition from Mumbai on May 3 this year and, having visited the best in all the four corners of the country – Tawang in the east, Dwarka in the west, Kargil in the north and Kanzakumari in the south, 26,500 km altogether – completed his dream project after coming back on July 21. This Kochi-based motoring enthusiast has an FCS from the Institute of Company Secretaries in India and has a successful career of 20 years as a company secretary and interim chief executive of a major tea plantation.