Home / Latest Issue / SEPTEMBER 2018


Self-discipline is the Only Remedy

I WAS IN THE PHILIPPINES LAST MONTH FOR THE FIRST DRIVE OF THE fifth-generation Honda CR-V. I noticed that the traffic there was as much in volume as in India or even more; however, what the Filipinos don’t lack in is discipline. Unlike in India, nobody honks. The people over there don’t have the nasty habit that people have in India: if I can’t go, you can’t go either. I also noticed that even when cars were lined up bumper to bumper and someone wanted to cross the road, s/he was allowed to get in between. Try doing that in India!

Finally, Honda will launch the CR-V with a diesel engine option in India during the forthcoming festive season of Diwali. Starting from now, we may expect a slew of launches until Diwali as manufacturers try to make the most of it by launching new models to secure a good market share since most Indian families buy new commodities during Diwali.

The insurance companies have sent out a notification informing motorists that they should not try to start their cars in case of being submerged in water during a flood as they may not be able to claim recompense for damage to the engine due to a hydraulic lock. A hydraulic lock occurs when water gets into the combustion chamber and one tries to start the engine. The damage caused by a hydraulic lock is bent connecting rods, which means a complete engine overhaul. Even if you are driving through knee-deep water and the engine stalls, do not crank it as the engine may have sucked in water through the intake and this may cause a hydraulic lock and damage it.

From September 2018, the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) kicks in and is mandatory in the European market.

WLTP promises to bring to the car-buyer more authentic fuel economy figures that what is available today. WLTP is expected to claim many victims and some gas-guzzling models are likely to face the guillotine.
It is imperative that WLTP be launched in India very soon.



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