Home / Features / Auto-makers Get Innovative with Corona Virus Awareness


We compile a list of innovative Corona virus awareness material from automobile manufacturers.

Corona virus is a real and present danger that has to be curbed first before it can be eliminated altogether. By staying at home, we help flatten the curve of infection and numerous people are sharing material on social media that help spread awareness for this action and its benefits. Our beloved automobile manufacturers have also lent a helping hand to this effort. Here is what some manufacturers’ Twitter handles have been up to.



Audi have been frequently tweeting and spreading awareness about staying at home and leaving the car parked for now. Among these tweets, there are a few that stand out for their creativity and presence of mind. We liked their Four Rings Challenge best. In this challenge Audi India have invited their fans to get creative by recreating the Audi symbol using household items. Nice way to kill some time during the Corona virus lockdown. For more of their material, click here.



BMW have been busy creating content for awareness that also feature their cars. From a collection of material on their Twitter, we liked this fast-paced video the best. BMW claim that it is a hand-washing timer. Well, if you follow that timer to the T, your hands will be as clean as they can be and there will be no room for the Corona virus. For more of their content, click here.



Ford’s approach at this Corona virus awareness business is a little different. Here is a video of how they are doing their bit to help battle the coronavirus. They have also made a list of books we could read during this lockdown. Check it out here.



Of the content on Honda’s profile, this is the one we liked best. For more from Honda, click here.



Hyundai have been among the more active manufacturers in this list with regard to their social media presence. While picking one, we had a difficult time but in the end we went for this bit of wordplay. For the rest, click here.



Jaguar have a few posts up on their Twitter handle that stress on the importance of social-dstancing and staying at home. Of the lot, the following was our favourite. For the rest, click here.



Kia, as usual, have maintained their funky approach to things. For their Corona virus awareness they have put up a peppy video that highlights staying at home. Nicely done, Kia. For more, here is the link.


Unlike other manufacturers, Mahindra have not spent a lot of time in preparing innovative awareness messages. In fact, as published on their Twitter, Mahindra are in full swing to support the fight against Corona virus by sourcing and manufacturing as much as possible in terms of basic medical equipment. To see the rest, click here.

Maruti Suzuki


Maruti Suzuki have also not invested a lot of time into making new awareness posts everyday. After one post, they have remained silent. To check out their profile, click here.



Mercedes-Benz have kept their social media activity to a minimum but there are a few nice posts from them. The rest are here.


Although their awareness posts have been minimum, the brand has assured its customers that it will extended warranties and so on, taking into consideration the Corona virus lockdown. For more details, click here.



True to their character, Volvo’s awareness post revolves around safety and how we should make it our number on priority. We could not agree more. Check out their page, here.

Story: Joshua Varghese


About the author: Joshua Varghese


Would gape at fast cars. Still does but now has a chance to drive some of them. Hates driving in traffic but makes up for with a spot of off-roading or the occasional track outing. Insta: @motoknight


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