Home / Latest Issue / AUGUST 2017


CI_aug17Yet Another Milestone

THIS MONTH CAR INDIA CELEBRATES ITS 12TH anniversary. I would like to thank all our readers and manufacturers for their support for the past 12 years. I would also like to thank the team at Car India for pulling out all the stops to bring out this magazine. You will always see my picture or the author’s photo who writes the story, but you will not see the photos of the unsung heroes — the photographers, designers, and the copy desk editor — and the marketing team that works very hard to generate the revenue and make it possible to bring out this magazine month after month.

Enjoy this 12th anniversary issue and always drive with caution

Moving to electric cars in India is a distant prospect as we don’t have sufficient power supply for our domestic and industrial needs. Take into account the pollution created by power plants while generating electricity since most of them are coal or oil fired, and this gives rise to more pollution than a Bharat IV car does. It is very easy to make statements and look good saying we are going green. Because of the multiple lanes at CNG filling stations you have traffic jams on the roads of Delhi. The need of the hour is more CNG filling stations and then we can think about electric cars.

We have an exclusive drive story of the new Mercedes-Benz S-Class and the Tata Nexon, besides a number of interesting stories for you to enjoy in this mega issue.

Enjoy this 12th anniversary issue and always drive with caution. Thank you one and all once again for your support.


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About the author: admin



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