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The course looked pretty easy and it seemed like an easy run. I geared up and was ready to go. Once the clock started ticking, I stepped on the gas and powered through the muddy and slushy course. There were quite a few ruts along the way, but the suspension on the Polaris worked its magic. Thanks to the powerful 760-cc engine, I was able to power through the course with ease. By the time I reached the stream, my glasses were muddy and I could not see much. But that did not slow me down, I just followed the stream bouncing of rocks here and there, quickly made the U-turn and was back to the slush bath. Just like a drift race in popular video game ‘Need For Speed’ the Polaris drifted through the slush and back to the finish line. This was a good run for me as I clocked the second fastest time of one minute and 39 seconds. I got out of the vehicle looking like a human brownie, but I enjoyed every bit of it.

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Once all the points were tallied, I was announced the runner-up of the Media Challenge. Driving a Polaris for the first time, I was pretty happy with my accomplishment. But it was not the points that mattered, being at RFC and experiencing the event was amazing. If you are an off-road nut, then no other event on these shores is comparable. RFC is a must for every adventure junkie out there. I’m definitely going back next year and I hope to see you there!

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About the author: Online Car India



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