Home / News / New Audi A8 L Will Have a Cameo in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’


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Audi give us one more reason to watch ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’. The new A8 L will appear briefly in the Marvel superhero flick almost four days ahead of its official presentation on July 11 at the Audi Summit in Barcelona, Spain.

In a small scene, movie-goers will be treated to a first impression of the car’s front and side design. One could also sneak in a peek when Spider-Man (Tom Holland) is being chauffeured by ‘Happy Hogan’ (Jon Favreau). To seal the deal, Audi have also showcased the technological prowess of the car. The A8 L is capable of manoeuvring through traffic when the ‘traffic jam pilot’ is turned on; which can be seen when Happy takes his hand off the steering wheel and the car continues to steer itself.

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While Audi remain secretive with images of the A8 L ahead of the movie, they have been liberal with pictures of the Audi R8 V10 Spyder (Tony Stark’s signature car) and the Audi TTS Roadster driven by Peter Parker.

Story: Joshua Varghese


About the author: Joshua Varghese


Would gape at fast cars. Still does but now has a chance to drive some of them. Hates driving in traffic but makes up for with a spot of off-roading or the occasional track outing. Insta: @motoknight


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