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The list can go on and on. The natural beauty of the country varies from the Himalayas in the north to the beaches in the south, from the deserts in the west to the jungles in the east. Many people travel overseas to spend their holidays. How many of them have the time or the inclination to explore nature’s bounty within our own country, which boasts of a number of magnificent holiday destinations?
Truly, we need to look around our own country to see what ithas to offer. And what better way than to drive around in one of the finest cars available? The idea gave rise to Honda’s ‘Drive to Discover’ campaign wherein eight print publications and three television media houses were invited to drive a Honda City from Srinagar to Kanyakumari.
CAR India had the honour to take part in the first leg of the drive from J&K to Punjab. Unfortunately, the recent unrest in Kashmir forced us to shift our starting point to Jammu from Srinagar. A little disappointed, we arrived in Jammu a day before the flag-off and immediately had a taste of the security rules in place there. The entire airport premises are out of bounds for taxi-cabs as well as people waiting to receive passengers unless they have prior permission. While my Airtel and Docomo refused to catch the network, Sawan’s Reliance showed ‘emergency calls only’. Pre-paid connections do not work in Jammu. Security reasons once again. Watching men with guns guard the city of temples is an awful sight indeed. What we saw here was that the ordinary man was tired of political feuds and the games played by politicians. All he wants is peace.


About the author: admin



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